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Have 10 Minutes? Here's Everything You Deserve to Know About HRT!

Updated June 2023

Ever feel lost when you try to research the truth about health & wellness? We get it.. It’s not easy to find the real facts! From dangerous ‘bro science’ to misleading medical journals (which are oftentimes funded by Big Pharma), it’s not easy to find the truth. 

That’s why we put together a quick, consumable guide so can equip yourself with practical knowledge about your health! Here’s a few key questions we’ll answer:

  • Why did the American health and hormone imbalance crisis start? How did we get here?
  • What should I really know about hormones, anyway? And why doesn’t my body naturally regulate hormone levels on its own?
  • Is Hormone Replacement Therapy just a fad for ‘workout warriors’? Is it even safe? 
  • How do I know if I’m at risk for having a hormone imbalance? What sort of short-term and long-term health impacts can that have?
  • What’s the best way to check my hormone levels?
  • If I found out that my hormones are actually unbalanced, what are my options to fix them?

Shall we dive in?

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

OK, let’s start at the beginning!

Hormone Replacement Therapy is a treatment designed to replace the hormones which are no longer produced by the body on its own. It’s important to note that HRT is not something that is for the sole benefit of a particular gender, age group, race, ethnicity, or any other segment of the population.

Think of it this way.. If there’s anything we all have in common, it’s that we ALL rely on balanced hormone levels for optimal health and wellness. And in today’s society, there are a multitude of factors that contribute to hormone deficiencies and imbalances.

We’ll outline examples below, but first – let’s briefly discuss how HRT can be beneficial for men and women:

For Men

HRT for men is more commonly referred to as Testosterone Replacement Therapy – or TRT for short. For optimal male health & wellness, the ideal range is between 800-1200 ng/mL (nanograms per deciliter). Now, that’s OUR medical opinion for an ideal range. 

Let’s compare to conventional American healthcare. Assuming you get labwork done as part of your annual physical, your doctor will likely tell you ranges from ~265-1200 ng/dL is perfectly normal. 

Does that strike you as a little odd? Why such a difference?

It’s because low testosterone is a widespread issue amongst modern American men, and  insurance companies would break the bank if they had to fund TRT treatments for everyone. But this isn’t the only reason.. 

Every year, pharmaceutical companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars to fund medical schools, lobby the federal government for reduced regulations, and incentivize doctors to prescribe their medications. Big Pharma wouldn’t make nearly as much money if doctors prescribed TRT and fixed the root cause of symptoms associated with low T. 

It’s an ugly truth, but it’s the truth nonetheless! 

For now, let’s switch gears and examine the top symptoms of hormonal imbalances in men:

  • Low Libido/Sex Drive
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Fatigue and Lack of Motivation
  • Difficulty Concentrating 
  • Depression & Anxiety
  • Low Sperm Production
  • Muscle Loss
  • Weight Gain
  • Decreased Bone Density

So, do any of those sound particularly pleasant to you? Of course not! And it doesn’t matter if you’re a young man in your early 20’s, a father to multiple kids in your 40’s or 50’s, or if you’re retirement age and you’re just trying make the most of retirement. All men rely on balanced hormones to look and feel their best! 

If you want to learn more about the types of HRT on the market, keep scrolling.


Ready to Reclaim Your Health?

We invite you to come visit us in our Roswell clinic! Walk-ins are always welcome, but you can also call or email us to book an appointment. Click the link below to learn more about what to expect as a new patient.

For Women

Men with low T might have it tough, but it’s a whole different conversation when talking about women’s health & wellness! 


What Types of HRT are Available?

When HRT treatments are administered, you receive bio-identical hormones into your body. So while these hormones are man-made, they have the exact same molecular structure as what our body naturally produces. This ensures they’re readily usable by our endocrine system to carry out various bodily functions!

(Sidenote: The endocrine system refers to the set of glands and organs that are responsible for the production and regulation of hormone levels in your system. We’ll discuss this in further detail later.)

As for types of HRT, there’s 4 common approaches. Each differ in terms of cost, overall effectiveness, and convenience.

  • Intramuscular Injections – This simply means that a syringe with a prescribed dose of hormones is administered directly into the muscle (specifically in the upper area of the buttock/hip). These are by far the most effective, as the muscle is MUCH better at absorbing and using the hormones. While it might be a slight inconvenience to receive a weekly injection, it’s a small price to pay for the short & long term benefits.

  • Gels & Creams – On the surface, this can seem like an easier alternative to injections. However – aside from being more expensive – they have less effectiveness overall. Gels & creams can also cause skin irritation or even transfer to others through skin-to-skin contact. This can be dangerous when considering contact with kids, pregnant women, and so on.

  • Patches – Similar to gels & creams, patches have varying degrees of absorption into the skin. Time and time again, studies & results indicate that administering HRT straight into the muscle is far more effective than any transdermal treatment (which just means it’s applied directly onto your skin). Aside from being more expensive, less effective, and potentially irritating to your skin, HRT patches are also known to fall off. This can lead to unintended – and potentially dangerous – contact with other individuals.

  • Oral Tablets – Unlike gels, creams, and patches, there’s no need to worry about skin irritation or transmission of testosterone via skin-to-skin contact. However, studies have failed to demonstrate the the oral tablet’s effectiveness to be comparable to that of the traditional intramuscular injection. Based on a meta-analysis from the National Library of Medicine
Quick Note on Elite Health's HRT Protocol

Before we continue, it’s worth mentioning that Elite Health only provides HRT treatments that are in alignment with your biological gender. While we realize this is a hot-button topic in our country today – there’s significant evidence to show that hazardous complications will occur when man and women receive unnatural doses of exogenous hormones.  

The Harsh Truth About the Modern American Health Crisis

Before we get into any introductory science lessons, let’s rewind the history tapes a bit. We’ll cover everything you need to know about hormones – but it’s important to examine why health among American adults is truly in a state of crisis. 


Here's a Few Alarming Stats About the State of American Health

This isn’t always easy to talk about, but that doesn’t make it any less important. 


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