920 Woodstock Rd, Roswell, GA 30075


New to the Topic of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)? Here's Everything you Need to Know!

At Elite Health HRT, we’re dedicated to helping women enhance their well-being and feel their best! Regardless of your age or background, hormones play a HUGE role in women’s health. 

In just 5-10 minutes, you’ll gain essential knowledge on the following topics: 

Why is it so important for women to have balanced hormones for optimal health & wellness?

What are the signs of hormone imbalances or deficiencies? Can women of any age or background be affected?

How did hormone imbalance become such a widespread issue amongst women in the USA?

What exactly is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)? What's the best type of treatment?

Is it possible to restore hormone levels to natural ranges without HRT?

Why work with Elite Health HRT for TRT treatments instead of other clinics?

Ready? Let’s dive in!

Life is Better With Balanced Hormones!

Here’s a few (of many) potential benefits for men

Increased Muscle Mass

Higher Stamina & Energy Levels

Heightened Mental Focus

Elite Health HRT - Bolt Icon

Higher Resting Metabolic Rate

Stable Mood & Higher Libido

Are Hormones Really That Important? How does it Support Women's Health?

The short answer is 'yes'!

Top 10 Functions of Estrogen, Testosterone, and Progesterone for Women's Health👇

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Regulating Menstrual Cycles

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Metabolism & Thyroid Control

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Supporting Fertility & Reproduction

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Managing Weight

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Maintaining Muscle Mass & Bone Density

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Nurturing Healthy Skin & Hair

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Enhancing Memory & Cognition

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Balancing Mood & Stress Levels

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Promoting Cardiovascular Health

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Boosting Sex Drive & Libido

We get it.. There’s no shortage of conflicting medical opinions and misleading information about women’s health & hormones! Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone all play huge We’ll do our best to set the record straight without going into extensive detail. 

 To start, let’s take a look at how hormones impact women at various stages of life:

For Women Ages 18-35:


there’s no shortage of conflicting opinions and misleading information. We’ll do our very best to set the record straight. To start, 

Hormone Replacement Therapy & Wellness Treatments

Explore our selection of HRT and other wellness treatments 

Can You Recognize the Signs of Hormone Imbalance?

Sometimes they're blatantly obvious, other times they hide in plain sight!

Sound Familiar? 👇

Depression & Anxiety

Difficulty Concentrating

Low Libido & Sex Drive

Vaginal Dryness

Constant Fatigue & Low Energy

Difficulty Burning Fat

Struggling to Build Lean Muscle

Irregular Mood & Temperament

Mood Swings

Reduced Bone Density

Psst! You Don't Have to Live with Hormone Imbalances or Deficiencies

Hormone Replacement Therapy (TRT) can balance hormones for women of all ages & backgrounds. 

If you’re experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance, you can schedule a free TRT consultation at our clinic in Roswell, GA.

Or, just pay us a visit at 920 Woodstock Road, Roswell, GA. Walk-ins are always welcome!

No obligations or strings attached – ‘free’ means free! 

“I’m in my early twenties.. is it actually possible for me to have low testosterone?”

Many young men have no idea that low T could even be a problem for them. After all, isn’t that something you just deal with when you get older? 

The simple answer is yes. However men are starting to feel the effects of low testosterone MUCH earlier in life than ever before in human history.

Why is this happening? 

Unfortunately, young men have been exposed to hormone-disrupting chemicals every day of their lives – starting in their mother’s womb! This has accelerated the sharp decline in average testosterone levels across the population.

This isn’t specific to any race, gender, or class. All people rely on their endocrine system to regulate hormone production. The thing is, ‘Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals’ (or EDC’s) are everywhere.. 

They’re found in our food, water, medicines, household products – and even our hair gel & deodorant! The list can go on and on. Even if you live what most consider to be a healthy lifestyle, EDC’s are very hard to avoid (unless you know where to look – but more on that later 😉)

Here’s the good news!

You don’t have to live your entire life with the burden of low T and hormone imbalances. And if any of these symptoms sound like you – Testosterone Replacement Therapy can potentially help you reclaim your health & wellness. 

If you’re new to the subject of hormone therapy & TRT, let’s begin the crash course! 

What SHOULD Women's Hormone Levels Be?

And Why is Nobody Talking About This?

🚨 WARNING: The Ugly Truth Might Blow Your Mind (and Big Pharma is Terrified of You Knowing This!)

Buckle up!

To set the stage, let’s start with a few (rather troubling) statistics. According to Harvard, the United States consumes 40% of the entire world’s pharmaceuticals – despite having only 5% of the world’s population. It’s worth noting this is a conservative estimate. Many others estimate we consume 70-90% of all the world’s drugs! 

And get this – in 2022, the top 20 ‘Big Pharma’ companies combined to generate over $500B in revenue. Despite all that spending on research,  the US globally ranks a lowly 46th in life expectancy…

That barely beats many 3rd world countries!

What’s up with that!? 🧐 

“OK.. So what does that have to do with testosterone and male hormone levels??”

So keep in mind – in the 1920’s, average T levels for healthy were 800 ng/mL (nanograms per deciliter). And back the, young men went on fight in two world wars, built railroads across the US, and built the infrastructure for America as we know it today. But now, average T levels are BARELY HALF of what those men had. So while average men a century ago stormed the beaches of Normandy, many men today can barely run a mile..

We simply can’t overstate this enough.. America is not only facing a health crisis. We’re facing a hormone imbalance crisis!

In a healthy society, young men in their late teens, twenties, and thirties SHOULD naturally have testosterone rates between 800-1200 ng/mL. But here’s where it get’s crazy.. Conventional doctors will tell you that, “Oh Jimmy, you’re just fine as long as levels are between 265-900 ng/mL.” And if you think we’re kidding, go track down your lab results from the last time you had an annual physical. It’ll show that ‘clinically acceptable’ levels are in that 265-900 range. 

To drive the point home, here’s a Medical News Today article that backs up the position of conventional healthcare providers.

You might be thinking, “Something doesn’t add up here..” 

And you’d be absolutely right. That’s because it doesn’t!

Here’s another strange reality of our society – every year, pharmaceutical companies spend endless millions of dollars to lobby the government, medical schools, and healthcare providers. And they spend millions more to fund  ‘scientifically-backed medical research’. However, more often than not, these studies bend scientific truths to fit their narratives – which then enable them to continue spending millions of dollars on lobbying. 

Funny how that works, isn’t it?

If this makes you feel uneasy, it’s not your fault. It’s probably because like most of our patients – you feel like you’ve been misled for most of your life. That’s not a comfortable truth to face!

Still, this leads us to the REAL REASON than clinically acceptable levels for TRT aren’t 800-1200 ng/mL. It’s because companies want to continually profit off having doctors continue pushing antidepressants, ADHD medication, ED medication, and so on (it’s almost like it’d make too much sense to treat root causes instead of symptom after symptom!).

Let’s clear the air..

To be fair, there’s plenty of good things pharma companies do too. We’re not going to advocate for them to all get disbanded or anything radical like that. And TRT isn’t a silver bullet for everything by any means. However, hormone balance can & should serve as the bedrock for optimal health and wellness. 

Also, there’s no denying that public health would be in MUCH BETTER state if American medicine even slightly cared about ‘clinicially acceptable’ hormone levels being far outside healthy boundaries.

A Free Consultation is Only a Few Simple Steps Away..

Walk-ins are always welcome at our clinic in Roswell! You can call or email us to ask questions or set up an initial visit.

So, How Can HRT Potentially Help?

Does it actually work? What do I need to know?

Let’s cover the basics first

Simply put, ‘Testosterone Replacement Therapy’ (TRT) is a form of ‘Hormone Replacement Therapy.’ This is meant to replenish your body’s testosterone levels back into the 800-1200 ng/mL range. 

Now, let’s talk about the types of TRT 

It’s worth mentioning that there’s multiple ways to administer TRT treatments. The conventional – and most effective – method is to inject the treatment directly into the muscle. You can call it an intramusclar injection (IM) if you want to get fancy with it.

Sure, there’s creams, gels, patches, and even oral tablets available on the market. This seems like the ‘easy button’ at first. However, they’re more expensive,  much harder on your skin and liver, and are not proven to be anywhere near as effective the IM method!

TL;DR – Intramusclar injections are the most effective & affordable form of TRT!


Look & Feel Your Best! 💪 (Benefits with checkmarks here)

Build More Lean Muscle & Strength

Increase Sex Drive & Libido

Improve Cognitive Function

Regulate Mood Levels

Boost your Metabolism

Burn More Fat

Top Misconceptions About TRT

Let's set the record straight shall we?

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Ready to Get Rolling?

Initial consultations are 100% obligation free!

Of all the Hormone Replacement Clinics in Atlanta, Why Choose Elite Health HRT?

Aside from years of proven results with hundreds of patients? Here's what sets us apart!

#1 – Results Driven & Patient-Focused

When you’re selecting a HRT clinic to work with, it’s important 

#2 – Budget-Friendly & Convenient


Many online or in-person clinics overcharge on TRT treatments.

#3 – (Expansive Treatment Options)


#4 – (Ongoing Support/Resources)


We offer a range of peptides to assist with weight loss, muscle growth, mental acuity & more


Originally released as a treatment for Type 2 diabetes, Semaglutide helps regulate insulin product and control your appetite.


Also known as Anavar, Oxandrolone helps men shed body fat while packing on lean muscle mass.

Seriously, Don't Just Take our Word For it!

Here's the words of a patient that's YOUR AGE! 👉

Morgan, 29

So, is it Time to Start Your Comeback Story ?

When it comes to reclaiming your health, there’s no time like the present!